Privacy Policy

Pursuant to Italian Law Decree no. 196/2003, the personal and general data supplied by you in filling in this form, or acquired during and within the sphere of our activities, will be subject to handling, including processing by electronic and/or automated media, in compliance with the above legislation and obligations of confidentiality for:

a) Purposes strictly relating to the supplying of services requested, and therefore instrumental to managing the relationship with you, and purposes associated with legal, regulatory and community law obligations, as well as the provisions issued by supervisory and control bodies and authorities.

b) Purposes for which consent must be given expressly, such as those of a commercial, promotional and marketing nature using phone or mail, or automated communication systems, sms, e-mail, fax; for the organization of events, conferences and seminars; for the survey of your degree of satisfaction by means of personal or phone interviews, circulation or sending of questionnaires online or in another format; anonymously for publications, for the processing of studies, statistics, scientific or market research.

Personal and general data may be communicated to persons other than Manital S.r.l in their capacity as data “processors”, or in certain cases to parties operating independently as data “controllers”, subject to the adoption by the latter of data protection and security criteria in keeping with current regulations, for the same purposes and with the same limits for which the data have been gathered by Manital S.r.l..

No data shall be disseminated unless made available voluntarily by the interested party on the publicly-accessible, shared areas of the website. Manital S.r.l invites interested parties not to supply their personal data within the publicly-accessible, shared areas of the website, reserving the right to delete such data or make them anonymous in the case of sensitive data according to the definition under article 4 sub 1 d) of the Data Protection Act. Finally, data may be communicated and/or disclosed in accordance with provisions, laws and regulations.

You may have to access your data at any time by requesting their origin, updating, correction, integration, and – where applicable – deletion or blocking, as well as exercise all your rights vis-à-vis the data controller under art. 7 of Law Decree 196/2003. In order to assert such rights, interested parties may send an e-mail to

The Data Controller is Mr Luigi Bigoloni